Friday, November 11, 2016

Gotta Grab It!

Autumn's Paintbrush - 8 $1 Fall / Thanksgiving Sets for GGI!

Featuring cute little acorn kids and lots of beautiful flowers, Autumn's Paintbrush  is truly a showcase of color!  Pull out all of your fall photos because you'll want to make tons of pages with this collection!

8 sets are $1 each, and I have 2 more matching sets for only $1.50 each.  They won't be in the GGI category but will me in my store.  Make sure to see them, too!

GGI Bundle $8
Alphas $1
Artsy Papers $1
Clusters $1
Elements $1
Frames $1
Papers $1
Semi-Solids $1
Word Art $1
Extra Packs
Borders $1.50
Fancy Stamps $1.50

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