Friday, April 17, 2020

NEW - Staying Connected

My Friends, I pray that as you read this you're healthy and that your family is safe.  Now, more than ever, even though you can't be face to face with family and friends, it's so important to reach out to those you love.  This collection is about Staying Connected in any way you can - by snail mail, Email, FB, text, video chat, and any other way you can think of.  Scrap all the ways you're staying in touch with the favorite people in your life.  Save the most with the Bundle and get a FREE Quick Page!

Staying Connected

All packs are 30% off, and the Bundle - with a FREE quick page - is 50% off!

Remember to stay safe, stay connected, and 

1 comment:

GLungle said...

What a great kit,Kathryn. We should all be able to connect with this kit and it's contents during the COVID crisis.
Blessed Be.